Thursday, May 27, 2010


     Not long ago, i came out with the first part of this piece trying to project at least if not all the views and position of the future leaders of this great nation of ours by cautioning the political mafias of this country.

I have no doubt that the dawn of destroying one person to each other just to get ones favor or the other is gradually crippling into our main stream politics.But what is so disappointing is the caliber of people who are involved and the type of attacks that are being poured out on the victims.Nevertheless we should be mindful of the fact that our stable democracy will be meaningless unless it is devoid of antagonistic and abusive attacks on each other.

Recent to join the race is a personality that i personally revered so much that if not that i have a different destiny than his i would have follow his foot step but regardless of that i still admire him.

I finding it very difficult to believe that we gradually progressing from personality attack to what i call "attacking the intellect".I am not to sure if prerequisite to becoming a flag bearer in any political party in Ghana is to know basic I.C.T.Can some one tell me where we as a country are heading towards?.

Anyway it is said that "to know the road ahead,we must ask those coming"if indeed it is true then can Mr Gentle Giant tell me the challenges he might have gone through or can Dr Boom come to our aid? may be during his time the need and urgency wasn't there or what of the law Professor perhaps he is still in the castle.

In short we "as state men and women" should allow the discerning electorates and delegates to decide for themselves.Let them conclude that because one is short,tall or in the middle or better still whether one needs an I.C.T education before he becomes a president.Indeed i hope the constitutional review committee is reading if not then all the above prerequisites should be considered.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


      Uses and gratification is a theory that tries to outline the many reasons the audience have for using the mass media and the type of function the media can play in their lives.It is indeed enfactic without mincing words that this theory can not be without weakneses hence the following.
      The uses and gratification theory rejects the old approach that sees the media as the dominarian agent that easily manipulate the masses.This rejection by the theory i found to be unfortunate because as we speak today the media continue to influence how people eat,dress,walk ,speak and even behave in society.Hence the failure of this theory to recognize this problem create a big shortfall.
Another criticism will also be how the uses and gratification theory perceives the audience as active instead of passive.Here per my own careful analysis, the audience do not in any way contribute to whatever they consume at the end of the day from the media. Therefore the theory referring to them as active is very unfortunate since one can only be active participant in something when they are phisically or other wise proven to have taken part.For instance if a media house sits down,planed a programme,aired that programme and the audience only consume it by watching ,listening or reading how then has the audience actively involved themselves.Hence the conclusion that indeed uses and gratification theory does not exist without weakneses.

Monday, May 10, 2010


 After  thoroughly  reading through the agenda setting theory of the media,it is with no doubt that this theory has few challenges that need to be address.For me this challenges can be divided into two main parts and these are the process and identity .These problems are critical because each has implications that might call into question the value of agenda setting theory.
 The process problem has to do with the nature of the agenda setting process specifically the degree to which the agenda setting process is automatic and unthinking.This is because,the mass or the audience are faced with the challenge of waking up only to be told what to think for the day and what to discuss.
Identity for me has been a challenge as it asked whether the new concept of attribute agenda setting will become indistinguishable from framing or traditional persuasion research.As it does not give room for the audience to decide which issues should be framed but rather the journalist who worked within the media.The above criticisms or drawbacks are indeed undeniably a force to reckon with as far as the theory of agenda setting is concerned.

Friday, May 7, 2010


There is no denying the fact that Ghana has traveled a long way as far as her democracy is concerned and it is only prudent that we preserve what we have now.
The last time i checked from the records as to who is the president of this country,it was not suprising prof.John Evans Attah MIlls' name poped up but then what is this that am hearing?that some people trying as hard as the are to become flag bearers are already behaving as though they are the presidential candidates of their parties.To hell with them! are they the only opposition parties yearning to come back to power?even the noko fio are not talking.
No one should get me wrong,i am only a concerned citizen advocating for free breathing space for the N.D.C government to deliver their better Ghana agenda they promised Ghanaians.We don't want inposters to destruct them and it will be an excuse for them come 2012.
But can some one tell me the type of politics we are introducing into this country?That i "spoil you to a friend and you too you spoil me to a friend"that is what i call a blackmail and i vehemently believe it has no prospect for our fragile democracy.I am suddend by the way some elements within the  N.P.P is going about their campaign in a bid to become the party's presidential candidate.
I am much aware they may not like it but it is to our own benefit and that of the future of this country.Is it because some people think this is their last chance as being speculated?or they are aware they will fail so they want to employ all tactics to emerge victors?or some also think they are in the middle of the rest of the candidates or inexperience but better than others?my God! i hope they are not true because if they are then discerning Ghanaians ought to be alert since a day will come when all will be amaze at what 'politricians'will do to get power in this country as is being done in other neighboring countries.
My advice to the N.P.P is that they should try to restrain those adopting the strategy of blackmail just to win the bid to lead the party and play it safe since it is healthy for our infant democracy.They should not forget we are watching them and at the same time making up our minds