2013 just like any other year is history. For some it was
a year they wish they would never have an encounter with but while others would
continue to cherish the memories it brought them.

I know you might have heard the saying “once there
is life there is hope”.
Absolutely; if you
have ever failed at something before, a task or an examination then the above
saying should make a lot of sense to you.
However 2013 was without a challenge hence the good, the
bad and the ugly side of it but 2014 promises to be far too better.
The 2012 presidential election petition by the main
opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) which took more than three quarters of
2013 to be successfully adjudicated over and many other happenings both local
and abroad have also pencilled their names in history.
Well, while others vehemently opposed the rationale
behind the petition, I personally believed and still do that it was never
Ghana’s day of shame but of fame.
The 2012 election petition did not only consolidate our
democratic gains over the years but it also help in proving a point or two to
the outside world that yes indeed the black man is capable of managing his own
There were notable deaths of some prominent personalities
of the African continent: Chenua Achebe, Prof. Kofi Awoonor, and Nelson Mandela
among others just to mention a few.
As a country we have had our challenges politically,
economically and socially.
Many admissions by our political leaders on various platforms
point to the fact that they were not oblivion of the complaints of the masses.
Personally what were your won setbacks during the year
under review? I am quite sure you won’t allow them to override you into 2014
but you would utilize every setback as a stepping stone.
Well, I had my portion of setbacks; they were in actual
fact challenges that I derived scriptural strength to surmount.
By now I know it’s clear that there is nothing within our
reach unless we make God the pivotal aspect of it.
Whatever your heart desire is for this year, it is my
wish that you make God the centre of it so as to succeed.
2014 is here, live it or live it to live you.