“The calling to speak is a vocation of agony but we must speak: we must with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision”- Martin Luther King Jr.
Unarguably the Ghanaian economy for sometime has seen a tremendous growth and has also become a greener pasture for most foreign investors to invest in and one of such investors is the people’s republic of china who indisputably have invested in most areas of the Ghanaian economy and are the largest investors in the country. One of such areas is the fishing industry at the Tema fishing harbor.A source at Tema fishing harbor has confirmed to me that most of this Chinese business men are going out of business since the assumption of office by the new National Democratic Congress government .
Further investigation has revealed that the national democratic congress has categorically stated in it 2008 manifesto before the general elections to deal with the problem of pair trolling upon assuming office which most indigenous fisher men along the coast of the country find difficult to deal with.Pair trolling as pair my investigation is the illegal culture practice where by two different vessels are joined side by side in fishing,this practice among many big companies who are into fishing especially the Chinese businessmen kill the fingerlings which serve as a treat to future bumper catch for the local fishing community along the coast.I have no doubt in mind that you actually are aware of what this will result to.
Upon assuming office on January 7Th this year the national democratic congress has decided to execute the promise made to the fishing community along the coast. Execution of this campaign promise has enormously affected companies with vessels who are into fishing,those mostly affected were the Chinese businessmen. At the time of my arrival seven (7)vessels with the following names:Emule i, Emule ii, Emule iii ,Emule iv, Emule v, Emule vi and Emule vii were locked and prevented from sailing.
Mr Martin Fifi a former worker in one of such vessels but now with another vessel told me this decision by the new government has affected the Chinese businessmen but not all are out of business since few of them have their vessels which go beyond the coast and for that matter have no scores to settle with the government. If what i gathered is anything to go by then i believe in my candid opinion it is the right step in the right dircetion towards a better Ghana.